il gioco della mente e del corpo con la materia
per costruire
forme sempre nuove
e messaggi sempre diversi
per imparare
l'arte di vivere

venerdì, giugno 20, 2008

attività di Steve Yeates

Ultime notizie da Steve, amico e scultore in UK e USA !

Hi Everyone
just a short news letter to let you know what I have been doing.
Its been a very busy time so far this year. I had to take on my assistant Steve2 to help me with the work load.
I’ve been exhibiting all over the country Harrogate, Henley, Bristol, Birmingham, Manchester, London and the USA, New York.
I have started an exciting new range of sculptures which will be going on show for the first time at Prelude in Spitalfields market July 4-6 July.

Empowering by Steve Yeates
Cancer research information, recycled paper, papier mache & mixed media wall sculpture.
In July I am off for my yearly expedition to Teignmouth in Cornwall to make recycled sculpture in the landscape.
In August I’m off to New York where I have been short listed for the Chelsea International Art Competition with Dynamic Energy and Forever. Wish me luck!

Forever by Steve Yeates
masculine & feminine text on recycled paper papier mache & mixed media wall sculpture

More news soon!
regards Steve Yeates

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